BELL'S BRAND Izumi Bell Art Creation information site.
BELL'S BRAND Izumi Bell Art Creation information site.
当サイトは、いずみべる個人のイラスト、コンセプトアート、アートディレクションをはじめとしたアートワークの情報サイトです。 1997年からフリーで主にイラストレーターとして活動し、現在は主にいずみべる個人でのイラストを含むアート制作と、 株式会社セガ様を中心にコンセプトアートやアートディレクションなど、コンテンツ作りのお手伝いをしています。
This site is an information site for artwork such as Izumi Bell's personal illustrations, concept art, and art direction. Since 1997, I have been working as a freelance illustrator, and now I am mainly working on art production including illustrations by Izumi Bell's and content creation such as concept art and art direction centered on SEGA Co., Ltd..
キャラクターイラスト、2Dコンセプトアートと美術設定の他、3Dによるコンセプトアート、動画やリアルタイムエンジンによる動的コンセプトアートの制作も行っております。 また他パートと連携したコンセプトアートのワークフロー構築や新しい表現の模索などのR&Dも行っております。
In addition to character illustrations, 2D concept art and art settings, I also produce 3D concept art, videos and dynamic concept art using a real-time engine. I also carry out R & D, such as building concept art workflows in collaboration with other parts and exploring new expressions.
I have been involved in various works as an illustrator, manga artist, and character designer since 1997. Here are some of them. In addition, I am involved in various tasks such as designing, art direction of video works, and appearances at stage events.
I reinterpret my favorite works from various angles to create derivative works. For fan art, please move to another page from the arrow below.
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